Comments Off on 12 Dec 1999

12 Dec 1999

12 Dec 1999 The chaos in my room continues unabated; the keyboards, mice and suchlike cluttering up every surface available. My feet are resting on…
Comments Off on 6th Dec 1999

6th Dec 1999

06 Dec 1999 Well, first day at the new job….how did it go? 06:45. Awaken to the melodious tunes of Virgin Radio + Static 07:30.…
Comments Off on 4th Dec 1999

4th Dec 1999

04 Dec 1999,23:50.05 I’m going to be slaughtered. I’ve been on the net for 2 hours. Oh god. I’ve just realised that while 10261 people…
Comments Off on 29 Nov 1999

29 Nov 1999

29 Nov 1999 He he he he he…..I’ve got a job…..and now to celebrate…..Black & White (Choice Old Scotch Whisky)….hic….   29 Nov 1999; 00:32.18…
Comments Off on 19 Nov 1999

19 Nov 1999

Just a quickie tonight….long day at work (long night too). Hopped into Hugo – not keen, not keen at all. Stalled twice (a first for…
Comments Off on 18th Nov 1999

18th Nov 1999

18 Nov 1999 Knackered. I’ve just had two days off work – one for an interview for a job I’d like but am so totally…
Comments Off on 29 Oct 1999

29 Oct 1999

29 Oct 1999 Well, there we go two updates in three days – don’t I just spoil you sometimes! I have been (well male mode…
Comments Off on 16 Sep 1999, 01:43.28

16 Sep 1999, 01:43.28

16 Sep 1999, 01:43.28 Okay – done job things, got an e-mail for Adam….time to brag about my girlfriend again…..sorry. I was just sitting here…
Comments Off on 07 Sep 1999, 15:37.35

07 Sep 1999, 15:37.35

07 Sep 1999, 15:37.35 Ha, fixed it. (see earlier entry for explanation).   07 Sep 1999, 14:18.45 Oooh, daytime and I’m writing something….but since the…
Comments Off on 13 Sep 1999, 15:03.37

13 Sep 1999, 15:03.37

13 Sep 1999, 15:03.37 Well, Hannah (the S.O.) went home yesterday – and I miss her dreadfully. She spent just over a week down here…