Comments Off on Well, that was a month that zipped by

Well, that was a month that zipped by

Apparently June went by without a post. It’s not that I didn’t do anything. I wrote more novel, I submitted my existing novel to more…
Comments Off on Mistakes were made

Mistakes were made

I – as usual – have struggled with not working today. I’m back at work proper tomorrow so it’s very reasonable for me to have…
Comments Off on Perfect preparation

Perfect preparation

CW: Discussion of something that was verging on sexual assault; Health stuff.
Comments Off on Insomnia


I don’t know why but over the past year my insomnia’s got worse again. It’s not, thank god, as bad as it was when I…
Comments Off on Persuading Scrivener (3.5.1) to use your folder names as chapter titles

Persuading Scrivener (3.5.1) to use your folder names as chapter titles

Because I’m either insane or a masochist, having got Scrivener working yesterday I decided I was going to import my document from word and then…
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Scrivener 3.5.1 on Ubuntu Linux 22.04

Scrivener seems like the best available option for epub production on Linux, so I decided to install it… There is a linked guide in the…
Comments Off on And we’re done!

And we’re done!

So I’ve finally finished (mostly) having bits chopped off or up. Since the US healthcare system makes it wise to throw everything at the pan…
Comments Off on Resting Cycle

Resting Cycle

So I’ve been good. I’ve actually genuinely been good. I’ve lived within my lifting limit (which are lifted tomorrow), I’ve rested and I’ve really done…
Comments Off on The Cass Report / BMJ

The Cass Report / BMJ

I had words for the BMJ. I don’t know if they’ll stay up on the BMJ’s site, but they’re here if they don’t.   Dear…
Comments Off on FFS Day 7

FFS Day 7

Okay, I know I said I was going to stop. But it’s me and I’ve never been one for reliably making a decision and sticking…