Glow, Worm – Alyson Greaves – Audiobook

I decided it would be interesting to record Glow, Worm by Alyson Greaves as an audiobook. Partly a fun accessibility project, partly as something different to do with audio, partly because I’d like to get better at ‘voice acting’ and partly to practice my breathing.

Apparently, I’m not that good at breathing (at least, according to my singing teacher, and she’s right). Who’da though breathing would be so hard?


This may be sporadic and depends on my spare-time and enthusiasm.

I hope at some point to go back and re-edit Chapters 1-4 to be a little less “tight” – I’m used to editing audio for youtube and tend to cut out space because YT doesn’t like space. But this is a story, not a algorithm pleasing video, and I can do what I like. I need to learn that. Anyhow, I think I’ve got better at allowing the space to breathe in Chapter 5. 

Chapter 1:

| Download here |

Chapter 2:

| Download here |

Chapter 3:

| Download here |

Note: Reupload because I had an editing error with the name Cooper twice. Also, I had some issues with post-processing on Chapter 3. I think it sounds okay, but will attempt not to make the mistakes I did with this one again.

Chapter 4:

| Download here |

Chapter 5:

| Download here |

Chapter 6:

| Download here |

Chapter 7:

| Download here |

Chapter 8:

| Download here |

Chapter 9:

| Download here |

Chapter 10:

| Download here |

Sound effects Attributions & License Information:
In Chapter 1:

13Gpanska-jirova-tereza – cash register closing
oliwoli – room-tone, small hotel bar
tiagodes – workshop-ambience

In Chapter 2:

Greg Baumont – Paris_Porte_Maillot_Traffic
kankbeeld – Park spring 9am NL SHORT 03 200425_0164

In Chapter 4:

Audio is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Content remains (c) Alyson Greaves. Produced with permission.

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