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pure genius

So, Ikea. Went yesterday, saw these frames which are called “RAM” or “Cheap ass student frames”, they’re plain, untreated wood and a plastic sheet instead…
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Well, I’ve actually had a fairly good day so far…. ….not to make any promises for the rest of it. I’ve done both the company…
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Introspection of my accounts

There’s something deeply wrong about going from “Bacchanale de Samson et Dalila” (Saint Saens) to Bill Haley and the Comets (Rock Around the Clock!), but…

Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000)

Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000) Something horrific happened today. My housemate bought this film for me. She: “Saw it and…
Comments Off on Advice for bathers

Advice for bathers

When taking a ‘long hot bath’ it is advisable to ensure that there is in fact warm water, and not just ‘sufficent water to fill…
Comments Off on I can’t see a bloody thing

I can’t see a bloody thing

For reasons that escape me, my current set of contact lenses don’t seem to work very well. The left one, in particular, seems to fail…
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It’s an ipaq, not a brick!

For the last oooh, year or so, my iPaq has sat untouched, after a failed partial install of Opie. Now, Opie is all very well…

A pig has shat in my head.

So, I feel crap. I felt crap when I went to bed last night (with a lousy headache), and this morning I woke up to…
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I’m so tired

I don’t know what to do, I’m so tired…. I should have gone to bed at a sensible time last night rather than staying up…
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BBC – Radio 4 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – The New Series

BBC – Radio 4 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – The New Series Wooooooooo! What more do I need to say. Incidentally, the…