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Persuading Scrivener (3.5.1) to use your folder names as chapter titles

Because I’m either insane or a masochist, having got Scrivener working yesterday I decided I was going to import my document from word and then…
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Scrivener 3.5.1 on Ubuntu Linux 22.04

Scrivener seems like the best available option for epub production on Linux, so I decided to install it… There is a linked guide in the…
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Non FFS Stuff

Just before I disappear to bed I want to make a little note. Today I put in a request to a beta reader – because…
Comments Off on Concept, briefly stated

Concept, briefly stated

Scene: London street, small deal table with well dressed chap performing the shell game (three card monte with cups) but the patter is based around…
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Part 2 – edited

Comments / Typos welcome. Kathryn’s been very sweet and advised me that my suspected tendancy to over-write comes out quite strongly, uh, when I write.…
Comments Off on Pretentious? Moi?

Pretentious? Moi?

I know I’m not the greatest writer in the world, but I’m debating carrying on with this. Sort of. In a way. —- Outside the…