The arsehole’s back in town

*sighs* So, it appears my neighbour is back to “I can come in your garden whenever I please”. I woke up this morning to find…
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Soulwax ‘n’ pills

So, there’s this CD in the shops called “Too Many DJs Vol 2”. I was aware that this was one of a series of lots…
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Packed full of green badness

I have clearly caught some revolting child-related lurgee ;-) I’ve managed to pick up a cough, a cold and a sore throat. I don’t feel…
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America….it just scares me.

So: – You have a president who you know took power despite losing – You have a president who has repeatedly lied to the people…

This better be good….

I made an appointment for uh, councelling today. I kinda always presumed that I could cope with whatever life throws at me, and to an…

Spending a little time on myself

urbex Today, I’m spending some time on myself. I split up with my girfreind yesterday, so today I’m eating chocolate, watching films and spending some…

So if you don’t know…

I can’t have kids. It’s just the way it is. I can’t, probably never could, have known for a few years that I can’t have…

Another great big oops

As a student nurse, I’m utterly paranoid when I’m doing drug rounds that I’ll give someone the wrong drug. Hell, I expect I’ll be the…
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Ah, for the sake of 5 minutes

If I leave at 5 minutes to 8 then I get to uni in 10 minutes. If I leave, as I did today at 8.00…

Another scary bit of America…

Guess I won’t be visiting Ohio then. Land of the free…. yeah right.