Comments Off on Exit tree stage left.

Exit tree stage left.

I just said yes. I said yes. I must be mad. Madder’n a chocolate teapot. Madder’n a lorry. For goodness sake! I am soon to…
Comments Off on Important Health Announcement

Important Health Announcement

It doesn’t matter *how* many times you’ve washed your hands after cutting the chillies. It doesn’t matter if it’s a full 6 hours since you…
Comments Off on Addictive Personality….

Addictive Personality….

I need to stop spending so much time on the computer. Following this session I don’t intend to use the computer except for work/research until…
Comments Off on Oh that’s sooooo cool!

Oh that’s sooooo cool!

Okay, I didn’t know it did this, but the journaling software magically linked Fowl Play at Midnite to Paycheck when I linked the other way.…
Comments Off on Don’t eat the curry!

Don’t eat the curry!

I wish someone’d said that last night. Stomach cramps all day, more than is reasonable visits to the littlest room, and now I really don’t…
Comments Off on The Swan

The Swan

FOX : The Swan Is this not the most terrifying and damning inditement of [our] culture? I find the premise of this show simply horrific,…

Death of a jumper.

Apply mango to jumper. Wash. Notice stain. Wash again. Wash with stain remover. Wash with strong stain remover. Be pissed off. Jumper is now permanently…
Comments Off on I feel…

I feel…

shit. I slept really well last night, felt really good when I got up, then started sneezing. Took my allergy stuff and it’s had *no*…
Comments Off on The rudeness of some people….

The rudeness of some people….

….astounds me. To park across my driveway, when the street is full of empty spaces…. Anyway, the owner eventually buggered off….while talking on his mobile,…

I’m about this far from….

…owning another moggie. Split Screen, Series II, 803cc, crap gearbox, export version, dirty grey morris minor. Help? Actually, I’ve thought about this a lot, discussed…