Comments Off on Fear is a great driver

Fear is a great driver

So, despite sleep deprivation from being post (very busy) nights, I hauled my sorry ass out of bed yesterday and painted the porch, the patches…
Comments Off on I forgot…

I forgot…

that I needed to touch up some of the white ceiling paint and areas above the picture rail. …but I’ve done that now, so never…
Comments Off on Rapid, we hope.

Rapid, we hope.

So, my friends who are moving to the US this coming week went from a standing start to packing their stuff into a container today,…
Comments Off on The experience is quite odd

The experience is quite odd

There’s this alternation between excitement, terror and boredom. Things like handing in my notice, that’s terrifying. In many respects I love my job, my department’s…
Comments Off on If anyone doubted my intent

If anyone doubted my intent

Tonight, someone’s coming to look at buying my valve amp and my Goldring Lenco GL-68 Transcription turntable. This is getting serious now.
Comments Off on Monday’s not the day

Monday’s not the day

But in my head it feels like the day. There’s no particular reason that I shouldn’t get a visa for the US. I’m not a…
Comments Off on Side Effects

Side Effects

As a side effect of our friends running point on the whole moving to the US thing, we discovered today that apparently the Visa and…
Comments Off on ‘s odd

‘s odd

So we’re starting to approach, with at least some semblance of it being real, the point when the house is, for all practical purposes ‘finished’.…
Comments Off on S’not completely stopped me.

S’not completely stopped me.

One of the many things I despise about allergy season is the tiredness. This is at least partially down to the fact that normally I’d…
Comments Off on Yesterday the realisation landed

Yesterday the realisation landed

I’ve known for a while, on an intellectual level that we would get the house ‘finished’ and sell it. As in, as the paint’s drying…