So, today I finally got around to reinstalling the laptop. It’s now running xubuntu 8.04, I think. Unfortunately, due to a bug, it takes about a week to boot which is somewhat annoying. I am so out of practice with Linux that it’s going to take me a while to dig up the enthusiasm to find some enthusiasm for finding the knowledge I need to find out why it’s pausing for ages during the boot. I presume it’s waiting for some piece of hardware, but I’m not sure what.
On the plus side, this time the WiFi card just works, out of the box, as it were. Although due to our preshared key being basically line-noise it did take several goes to get it typed in right (as a side point |, I and l look awfully similar in some fonts). It’s nice though to be out from the pain-in-the-ass that was IE. Several sites had stopped speaking to it, and the machine as a whole was dog slow. Under linux it’s not exactly speeding along, but it’s better. I’ve also got a PPC install for the G3 – so we’ll see how that goes. I may attack that tonight, depending on how I’m feeling.
My mum came up yesterday and after some gardening we headed up to the town centre for Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. The reviews have been terribly varied and I can kind of see why. As a general rule, Spielburg has resisted sticking aliens in the Jones series (I think, although my memory is a childhood one, and a bit vague) – but I think in the general adventure romp nature of the film it goes well :)
Basically, if you liked Indiana Jones as a kid and still have the great good sense to be able to suspend disbelief for a film, then it’s great. If you’re expecting something more adult, you’ll hate it…
We also made Lasagne, and a really pathetic veggie toad in the hole. The veggies tasted great (much kudos to Kathryn there), but the base didn’t rise at all. I think this is a Soya Milk issue, and I think we had it before (Nikki?) but I’m not sure what to do about it. Is it one of those occasions where cow squeezings really are required? Or is there some other trick to it.
I also prodded the bike with vague intentions of changing the gearbox oil, but it’s only one week until we go to Burwins with it; so my enthusiasm is pretty minimal, and it turns out we don’t have any gearbox oil anyway. Which kinda put a crimp in that plan. I did check that it had oil, though; and tomorrow I may check that it’s got gearbox oil (that’d be a good plan, huh?). I also checked the brake fluid too…
We put up the bathroom cabinet, it helps to balance out the bathroom… Kathryn had the excellent idea of putting up some of our photos in there, but somehow my mood’s a little meh and I don’t really feel able to pick out anything terribly interesting from my shots – nor to offer useful suggestions on the shots she was picking.
Finally, I took around the letter to the peoples who damaged our shed. They weren’t terribly friendly, were very pushy and made me feel quite intimidated; which is why I declined to discuss it with them there and then. They can write. I think my suggested remedy is entirely reasonable; but we’ll have to see what they say.
Tomorrow I’m back on nights, but it looks like I’ll have some Drama to keep me amused. I very much hope legomymalfoy isn’t silly enough to be being the sort of individual to retaliate against those who voted for someone else; because that’d really be sad. I hope it’s just some sort of drama-inducing-miscommunication. But, if all fails, I’ve never stopped dual-posting – both on LJ and on my own site, so I can always shove off back there. But it’d be a shame. I’ve been on LJ a long time (a lot longer than this user account; way back in the mists of time and invite-only-accounts)…and would be sad to see it screwed up for the sake of a powertrip. Anyhow. Wish me luck for the nights :)
You probably want to use one more egg than normal, and really whisk the hell out of everything to get the air in. Imagine you’re making meringue… You also need to cook it a bit slower I’ve found…. I tend to cook for an hour at a lower heat and it eventually gets in it’s mind to raise. :)
Uh, you may want to try Xubuntu for the PPC. It’s a lot faster than the standard Ubutu. Which version do you think you’ll use?
Actually, it’s Xubuntu that I’ve got for the PPC laptop; the problem is the newest version I could find to download was 6.0x, which seems a bit ancient. I shall hopefully try it out when I’m off nights, and more awake. It seems a waste of my ‘Audio CD-R’s, but they’re about 5 years old now, and as long as they burn okay, I reckon I might as well use them for this!