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So, I found this blog  yesterday; it’s by someone who doesn’t live miles away – I actually found her hunting for a place to bulk buy oats/almonds/etc for the making of our own granola. I’ve actually decided I think I prefer my Granola to the shop bought stuff (despite the fact it was slightly overcooked). It tastes more natural (probably because it is), but the price is, well, it’s a close run thing buying the stuff at Sainsbury’s. If I go down to Lidl, I guess I could get cheaper Oats, and possibly cheaper fruit (although Kathryn said she’d like to get one of these which’d solve the problem). Anyhow, so I hunted for somewhere – and heard at the same time about this incredible whole foods place in Kensington High Street – and found this blog which talked about it. Anyhow, she’s interesting, so I recommend reading her…

Having ‘mailed her, she pointed me (us) at these sites, which are good for veggies in the Thames Valley region: Farmer’s Markets, T3V. Which seems good to me. Although I knew about Reading farmer’s market, I’m slightly frustrated by the fact that  – as when I first looked at it – it falls when I’m on nights; as does the Windsor one.

But hopefully we’ll be able to head down there at some point :)

In other news, I’ve started to feel quite excited about the prospect of having my beloved minor back. Whilst I am incredibly upset and frustrated by what Charles Ware did, or didn’t do, and the standard of what they did do; I’m really pleased to be getting my car back in a safe, if not pristine state. JLH Minors have done (from what I’ve seen from my one visit and the many photos they’ve taken) an awesome job resurrecting a car that Charles Ware had, quite frankly, ruined.

I’m thinking of writing an article on picking a car restorer; because of my hideous experience. Obviously, the MMOC (Morris Minor Owner’s Club) won’t let me name who did the work on my car originally; but I think I have accrued some useful advice; and I’m sure other members of the message board would provide other useful tips, and it could save other owners the heartache of what happened to my Minor.

But, all that said; I’m quite excited about the prospect of having her back…with a working engine (actually properly set up!)… Quite excited. I’m actually considering whether I could (should, might) go to the National Rally; there’s a variety of people I’ve not met up with for quite a while – and while I don’t think I can justify the expense of the petrol to get there; I’d quite like to go.

Between that, and some excitement about getting the DAF on the road, and some excitement about the possibility of the Bike working properly for the first time since I bought it… well; it all amounts to quite a bundle of vehicular thrills.

Despite debts, I’m also considering getting quotes in for the work on the back of the house. I’m debating having the lath-and-plaster ceiling taken down and replaced, because I don’t think it’s going to be possible to get a good finish on it otherwise, which is a little unnerving. It’s more expense, but if the quotes come in around the cost of the extra shifts I can do then it might be worth getting it done, just so we can clear up the kitchen and stop it being so dusty – because quite honestly, being dusty is probably not helping my allergies. And my allergies seem to be gradually getting worse.

Anyhow, I think it’s time for me to go read… and wait for my mum to arrive…


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.