I’m not normally a pink person…

But… I’ve just got my new frame for the zed. It’s going to have to be stripped back to bare metal and painted… and first I thought ‘chassis black’ for the frame. Then another altogether sillier thought came into my head.

I’ve been pondering doing my bike with pink/black zebra stripes. Pondering. And then I thought… why not make the frame pink. Not barbie pink. Oh no. Neon vicious pink. The kind of pink that terrifies small children and animals. The kind of pink that Dyno-Rod would use on their vans. That kind of pink.

Is that a good idea? Or is my head dangerously warped.


Kate's a human mostly built out of spite and overcoming transphobia-racism-and-other-bullshit. Although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, it's all good.

2 thoughts on “I’m not normally a pink person…

  1. Your head is dangerously warped.

    Eh? Wassat? Oh. No. I have no opinion on the bike frame.


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