Comments Off on Each 200 words…

Each 200 words…

…is like drawing blood from a fraking stone. Granted I’ve cooked and eaten dinner, watched a zim, while eating dessert and generally taken a bit…
Comments Off on Past half way

Past half way

2000 words I thought. Easy I thought. Fuck no. Because (a) this is not a normal essay, and (b) 2000 words is simultaneously too short…
Comments Off on Memory like a.. what are they called? The things with the holes…

Memory like a.. what are they called? The things with the holes…

For the third time today I’ve forgotten my laundry. Well, I’ve not forgotten it at the moment, but I suspect now I need to fetch…

I’m not normally a pink person…

But… I’ve just got my new frame for the zed. It’s going to have to be stripped back to bare metal and painted… and first…