Comments Off on Earth calling Kate, Earth calling Kate, please respond….

Earth calling Kate, Earth calling Kate, please respond….

Yeah, sanity’s returned. Sorry about yesterday; bad head day. Kind of like a bad hair day, but different ;-/
Comments Off on Drop the pressure?

Drop the pressure?

Sometimes I can be really down on myself. You might want to stop reading there if you’re not the sort to like the odd bout…
Comments Off on Isn’t it funny….

Isn’t it funny….

….how life repeats itself. Or certain patterns do? There I was wandering home with my battered old walkman, reading a book, listening to blues….10 years…
Comments Off on Keep on runnin’

Keep on runnin’

So, Today I’ve: rewashed some areas of the carpet which didn’t come up particularly well; by using the carpet shampoo at a ratio of 50:50…

Simple solutions are always the best

So I went down to my parents this weekend (incidentally, I won a copy of Rez! All be happy for me now); this was for…


Well, my Rez Trance Vibrator arrived today. Now I just need a copy of Rez and a shiny new slim PS2. Of course, I’d not…

What kind of thinker….

What kind of thinker are you quiz You are a Spatial Thinker: Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the…

My god, it’s the bike I lust after…

The bike I lust after is on e-bay. Meh. Incidentally, did Alcazar set out to make the campest video they could? And Mozilla has now…

Eats, Shoots and Leaves

Damn this book! It’s brilliant….. Okay, I know my grammar’s hardly spectacular, and nor is my spelling for that matter, but I do have a…

The Snapper

The Snapper is the second film in Roddy Doyle’s ‘Barrytown Trilogy’ (The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van) and it’s a bit of a slow starter.…