Damn this book! It’s brilliant…..
Okay, I know my grammar’s hardly spectacular, and nor is my spelling for that matter, but I do have a bit of a closet grammar freak hidden (not well hidden, for those that know me) within my soul. And it’s particularly that ferral bloody apostrophe, that one that creeps into things…. But then, then I discover the sin which is the “,” instead of a “‘”. How can people do these things…?
Anyway, yesterday I saw this: “we,re” at Ikea.
On a big, big, pre-printed sign.
All over the country there are probably thousands of those signs with this whacking great typo in it. I actually yelped. I looked up, saw it, and went “urk” on seeing it. And then today, today on Living TV. The program is called “Worlds Apart” (I believe), but in the trailer for it: “word’s apart”.
Ye-what? What on earthis that meant to be? Nyargh. Make them all stop!
Heh. I got that book for Christmas. I thought if everyone else was suddenly going to become a punctuation freak I had better get my act together. :-)
Grammar nazis!