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lightspeedsound: pmon3y69: antifascistaction: otipemsiw: basedheisenberg: Neo-Nazis get their shit pushed in by native american grandmothers, who then capture their flag, take selfies with it, and then…
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micdotcom: #AliveWhileBlack is the heartbreaking response to #CrimingWhileWhite The hashtag #CrimingWhileWhite became a platform to illustrate what often happens when white people engage in criminal…
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actual time traveler appears on the white house lawn: *exits time-ship, removes time-helmet* Yes hello I am a non-white person from three thousand years in…
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dominicandeathtrap: rudegyalchina: Dear white people Fuck you and who ever else is posting this fake picture. Stop exploiting us ! This is so fucked up. They…
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The Massive Ripping Project

It has been, it must be said, a total failure. Why? Because I’m lazy. And added to that problem I love music, and film, and…
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shadesofmauve: Monkey’s discovery that the cursor is a THING THAT MOVES which you can BAT AT has made basically everything I do on the computer…