I know, I’ve become one of those become one of those people who rarely updates. I think that’s because, well, most of the time I’m busy and really any of my spare time I want to spend with Kathryn. I don’t hugely want to spend time writing about what I’bve been doing. Because at the moment I’m sat waiting for MacOS to install on the ‘main PC’; purely because I want to install Linux on the laptop – and I’ve reached my tollerence for my laptop’s pause every few seconds to go to 100% processor usage, then resolve. It does it when it’s running firefox, not when it’s running anything else. But at the moment there’s not enough space on it to download the install of Gentoo – not that I could burn it, because the PC in the lounge / the homehub seem to be locked in a perpetual battle of wills – one of them tries to connect, the other will work for a while, then they fall off. I can’t help blaming the homehub – it being so crap in every respect means that even if it isn’t it’s fault I’m gonna blame it for this problem.
At any rate, it’s left me sat upstairs with the laptop in my lap to keep me company while Kathryn is applicationifying and showering and doing morning things. I can’t help but have paranoia that it’s some sort of keylogger – but I’d presume it’d be better written than this is. Anyhow, so I’ve been working with kids a lot recently – not through choice, I hasten to add, but just because. I’m increasingly of the opinion that I’d quite like a kid sone day. They can be terribly sweet – even in the incredibly stressed environment of an A&E department. That doesn’t stop them being horrendously scary – not least because I don’t know enough to look after them as well as I’d like. But still. Not yet, I also hasten to add; but at some indistinct point in the future.
So, yes. work yesterday was tiring. We cleared out the Resus bay only for it to more or less instantly fill up again. And these were sick people; not desperately desperately sick people. Thankfully I’ve only had one of them in the Resus bay, once. Although, that said it’s probably good to get the skills down. But, yes. I may book myself on the ILS course. But I just feel so much out of my depth some of the time.
I’m worried that I’ll go on the course and I’ll still be out of my depth, surrounded by nurses who are way more experienced and way more knowledgeable than me. But I guess learning is learning :)
And actually it probably makes sense to do it now, just so I can apply the principles.
Kathryn and I (mostly Kathryn, actually) have been attacking the bathroom some more; she’s painted the top section white, I’ve filled the ceiling, so it now needs sanding and then painting with some of that smoothing paint. I’ve sealed around the shower too, so that’s now ready to be tiled. And finally we’ve both been tiling. It’s only a small section of tiles that’s up and on the walls, but it’s a good start and it does make a difference, at least mentally. I shall pounce and attack them tomorrow – try and get a chunk done. We’re having a friend over to stay, so it’d be nice if it was nearer finished. Not least because the less stuff there is being stored in there relating to building the more space we have that we can clear stuff from the spare room into.
Oh go on, just a leetle update now and again :) Get the T shirt OK, btw?