I’m still practicing saying “toron’o” – although I’ve yet to have evidence that it really is pronounced that way by native Toron’ions.
But at any rate, my filing cabinet which previously was decorated with the remixed London Tube map is now also decorated with a Hiker Detector. It’s like the world is conspiring to make me love Toronto.
It’s also, incidentally, printed to be exactly the right width to cover one drawer.
In other news I’m still very tired, my Cafetier is still getting lots of use, the Bourne Supremacy is just as excellent as it was last time I saw it, Northern Exposure rocks my teeny little world (but I’ve now run out), I’m still exhausted from (something), I’ve been working on my essay (I still am not entirely sure what they’re after), I’ve singularly failed to repair my rear window heater because it spent some of today snowing (not in a meaningful coating of nice fluffy snow on the ground for me to frolic in way, but in a damp falling on the ground and melting way) and ‘dry’ and ‘window’ don’t go with snow. I think that’s it.
Is that sufficent?
No fair. We liked Toronto first!
Well, you should have kept quiet about it shouldn’t you.
Mind it was the information I recieved from my source that you can get UK licences converted there… and that they have proper snow that converted me.