Okay, you may not twig this from recent journal posts but I’m so not a TV person. My standard TV requirements for the last few years can be summarised in one line:
Dead Like Me; The L Word; Battlestar Galactica; Hustle.
I watched Lost. I even got quite into Lost. Then I went to Alaska, got out of Lost and now can’t even find the enthusiasm to watch it. I may do at some point, but it generally fills a space. Films. Films I watch. I love films.
Anyway, so, Life On Mars. Each week I say the same thing: “That was the best episode ever”. But that one, that last one, episode 7 of 8, I barely breathed during the whole hour. I was so tense for the entire programme. I don’t think I’ve ever been so tense for an entire TV programme. I am desparate to see next week’s episode.
And nervous about it too; it being the last in the series. Is it a one off series? Is he going to die? What the hell is going to happen. It’s insane, he’s in a coma and this richly textured world around him… it’ll all be gone? All these people, figments of his imagination. Gaaah. Anyway, it’s fucking excellent. Totally fucking excellent. It’s insanely well written. If you’ve not seen it, you should. Now. It’s torrentable, and it takes my breath away every week.
Incidentally, BSG episode 16, also goram excellent. It’s bizzare. I’m so used to not-really-watching TV that when I do, it’s stuff I really want to watch and, well, the stuff I watch is really tailored to my taste, so I have a very skewed view of how good TV is :)