3 Hours on….

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…and the phone’s pseudo attached to the wall* (finally off the top of the PC case from whence it frequently got kicked); the AK numberplate is up, the monitor’s top now looks like a veritable menagerie of animals; the reindeer conveniently located to poop it’s multicoloured jelly-belly poo into the user’s hands, my plectrums blue-tac’d to the top too; as is the ice-lamp; I need to get…my cup of tea… hang on.

I’ve hoovered, moved the draws in the office (you can actually open them, they used to hit the bookcase, now the gap under the desk for legs is smaller, but I’ve actually been able to tidy them up; well; cram more stuff in them (especially some of the several million staples I now appear to own. I’m suspecting I’ll never need to buy staples again) and chuck some stuff away).

I’ve got my Moose Mug perched on the desk, my Scrabble-lettered name thing on top of the monitor, along with my slinky spring; my headphones hanging from my lamp. All of this makes my office feel more like my office.

Trey’s removed a bunch of stuff from my room, which makes my room look odd. It’s back like it was when I moved in; only I’ve gained the Tall-boy. Which wasn’t there when I moved in. That, that is weird. I’m trying to settle into the new dynamic with Trey, having spent a lot of time talking (and silenting, and crying) last night. It’s moved us forward. Or at least, it’s moved me forward. I’ve still got questions for her… which I need to ask… but.

Anyway. The room’s looking so much better, indeed there’s actually now enough room to put my dissertation stuff on the desk, which I will have to do shortly. I’ve also finally got around to free-cycling the scanner that doesn’t work with XP. I’ve been swimming too, which made me feel a fuck-sight more human. I was pondering nipping out to Horfield and seeing if they’ve got any really tatty used floorboards around. I was going to do the frame for my (5′ x 3′ ish Sleeper / It Girl )poster with modern boards, but just had this brilliant idea involving ratty old ones instead. I’ve got fed up off it falling down.

I’ve been prodding at Vancouver, trying to get an idea of what it’s like. I’ve joined a bunch of communities too, try to get more of a feel for stuff. Mmmm. Thinking a lot, constantly. Some things are good, some are bad, some are really bad. But generally hanging together a lot better today than I was after I stopped being ultra-positive during people staying here. I still feel incredibly fragile; like I might shatter at any time. I’m strongly considering going to see my councellor again, because I’ve had a lot of shit thrown at me in the last few months, and yeah, it might be a good idea to try and get my head back on straight.

Oh, and I’ve had a bit of a read of Curve Magazine. The music section’s pointed me at some great stuff :-)

*It’s actually hooked on one screw, and bluetacked at the bottom to the top of *my* desk which is leaning against the wall between the desk that came with the house and the wall.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.