….that the Battlestar Galactica series had premiered in the UK. I kinda presumed it’d been shown in ‘merkia first. So I guess when they find out that Starbuck’s a Cylon, that’ll really shock them; but not as much as the affair between the president and Starbuck….
It’s actually one of the few recent sci-fi series I’ve watched with real enthusiasm; perhaps because it is really a story with sci-fi, not the other way round. I mean, when I was 7 StarTrek was cool, but now, now it’s just kinda jaded.
Arrghh Gah! Flippin eck, I aint watched it for ages so I didn’t know that.. Starbuck? damn! (yes I am in shock)
Ok, I’ve forgotten what I was going to do now. I’ll just go nurse my wounds.
btw (and i mean this in a non-offensive way) you sound like Jo Brand :) I’ll hide now.
Uh, they aren’t actually real spoilers… I was just being evil :-)
Um, and when you come out from that hiding place I think Ms Murder would like to meet Mr Vaughan… How can you *say* such a thing! I think I preffered people saying I sounded like Eddie Izzard!
*mr vaughan peeks out his head* not likely miss!
Eddie Izzard? hmmm