So, I dunno, when did I last do an entry? Ah, back on the 14th. Well, yes, so I found doing anything useful on the 14th rather hard work; what with Trey coming on the 15th and me bouncing around with the attention span of a flea on acid.
I did actually get some things done though; we dropped off the letting application, and I had a faff with Rebecca and realised that my spark plugs were in fact completely and totally shot. I think they’re probably verging on a year and a bit old; certainly 12,000 miles without cleaning or gapping. They were also green; which is not a colour listed in the Haynes BOL sparkplug condition chart. Replacing them with brand new ones (4 spanking new bosch plugs, oooh); and a new set of Champion HT leads produced a transformation of staggering proportions.
The engine’d been running okay, but not well, and that persistant missfire that’d been irritating me had been around for godess knows how long. Instant transformation. She’s more willing, no missfire, running smoother. Lordy, I should be less lazy.
But anyway, that got done.
We also managed to find John’s birthday prezzie. You know when you just can’t find anything; well; we couldn’t, until we spotted the perfect present. Which was out of stock…. Then we spotted the second perfect present; tracked down the undamaged box and lo, a present was obtained.
So, productive, if distracted.
Nikki and ‘meriKate arrived late on Friday; well, 7ish? I think. I dunno, anyway, we chilled out, kicked back, and other similar phrases. I can’t actually remember friday that well! So, uh, yeah. It was really great to see them again; Nikki and I chatted about the big project some more; as we tend to; bored everyone rigid with car stuff and whatever. And I bounced around some more. Oooh we got takeaway Mexican; that’s what we did. Yeah. Mmmuh.
Then on Saturday Trey arrived; and… well… yes. Just… I can’t put into words how good it was to see her perched on the chairs in Parkway; having spent so long on the phone since I last saw her… to get to see her actually in person in the flesh. I can’t eulogise about her enough. She just… we just… connect. Words are unimportant. Closeness is just it….
Um, so, yeah, we all trooped round to John’s for his rather belated birthday celebration; I stole John’s dead PS/2, played a load of computer games; and spent a really just nice evening with people I like chatting, being geeky, relaxing and generally having a good time and good food (chillie, mnyum). I think I’ve eaten faaaaarrrr too much this weekend.
Anyway, yeah, troddled back home and spent Sunday whipping up a spectacular Sunday roast, as a Belated-Xmas meal (I promised John an xmas meal, and we had guests! Woot!); Two chickens (lemon / garlic basted), veggies, yorkshires, home made stuffing…. Mmm, I love cooking. But I then slept for about 3 hours on Trey’s lap, having completely knackared myself.
I’m actually still tired; it seems.
Anyway, we chilled out, John, Nikki and ameriKate headed home and Loopback0, Trey and I spent a quiet evening watching Dude Where’s My Car, and being full of food. Finally I headed off to my placement this morning…. leaving Trey to make her way to Parkway Station at lunchtime.
My ride to work this morning was very odd. Riding the bike’s good, it concentrates your mind; although I did as I switched to reserve work out the bike’s petrol useage (56mpg, roughly), so if anyone says my bike’s environmentally unpleasant they need a slap. But it meant I didn’t have to think about Trey leaving until I got to work… sat down with a cup of coffee and thought…I miss her.
There is just such a connection between her and me; and a degree of comfort that just leaves me feeling like we should be together.
Christ, if someone can make even me consider the possibility of living in ‘merkia at some point (anti-capitalist, generally anti-america individual that I am [not anti-american, anti-america, it’s different, okay?]) then there must be something seriously special going on….
I came home and trey had left me something…. I just feel like someone’s taken half of me away.
I miss her….