Well, I had complaints (thank you martin <g>) about my lack of updates on the diary….so. What’ve I been up to? Well… I’ve…err…been doing some Java, and I now have a better grasp of how to do Object Orientated (thank you again Damian, that was actually really helpful)…
I’ve been being driven nuts by my parents…I lasted a whole day before thinking…”nooo!”. It’s the loss of freedom thing….I get used to it very quickly, I loved the freedom of university, I like being able to eat what I like when I like….and buy food that I want….and listen to music when I want…and not have to wait for the phone….
And also to wander about semi-naked because I can’t be arsed to get dressed after having a shower.
All these things I love, and all of them disappear when my parents come back…like sunday I just wanted (really, really wanted) a sausage sandwich – but my mum decided to do the whole family lunch thing…and it was sweetcorn. Yup, very nice….but no, not what I wanted!
Anyway yes, and obviously theres been the launch of the surprisingly popular “Kates Cavern Webcam” which has amazed me with the number of voeyeurs I know… Especially since I tend not to actually do anything but chat on IRC when the camera is on…
Although it’s not always on because Logitech’s “Quickcam” software is complete shite, and grabs the sound hardware, even when it’s not using it (Grrr) – meaning that I can’t listen to music when the webcams on…hence it gets turned off when I fancy listening to stuff from my computer…
Yes, so there’s that….
What else? Well, there’s a new link on the links page to Tam’s (groovy) page and another one on there….but you’ll have to locate that one….but anyway yes…
My life. Yes indeed. Well, I’ve been feeling a little more positive, then a little more negative, then a little more pos….get the idea? Some days I feel like death in the mornings and just want to curl up, and others I’m quite bright and cheery. But never mind. I’m sure it’ll sort itself out. Actually I’ve found so long as I keep doing things (to the point of not stopping to think) – then I’m fine. I just (at the moment) keep thinking of wasted time….lots of it…
But on the other hand, I’m hoping to resign this week, and so, well, apart from the “needing a job very rapidly” thing I shall feel that I’m making (at least some) progress.
On the other hand, I will need a job veryrapidly. Especially since the car insurance is due next month. I’ve done my sums, I reckon if they let me go immidately then I have, err, approx 10 weeks, and if they make me say on another month then I have nearer 15 weeks, before I have to take a temp job….so long as I don’t have to go anywhere, or spend any money other than that required to keep me travelling to interviews. Oh, and I don’t have a social life….
Still, at least I’ll have transitioned. And then I can be me, with a full existance, not some halfway house where I’m not being myself for about half of the time…….
So, that’s the way things stand at the moment….
By the way, if you haven’t seen it, go see the X-men film, it’s cool :)
And, also, buy the film “Ma Vie En Rose” and watch it. It’s on VHS in this country and on DVD in America, and I at least appear to be able to watch it on my player when it’s set to region 2….
Right, enough advice dispensed….
Kate :)
PS, A bit Hi to Donna too :)
More elastica fans, that’s what we need <g>