Today shall be declared ‘a good day’

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So, work was tiring and I am waiting for my bed to welcome me into it’s warm fluffy duvetlicious folds, but until that becomes a reasonable thing for me to do (reasonable in the sense of, oh-christ-I-need-to-sleep-right-now-but-it’s-way-too-early-so-I-shall-wait) I’m hanging around.

Which mean that I checked e-mail and discovered that a world of awesome has been posted to me in a jiffy bag. A little spot of supreme awesomeness; yes, ‘s CD is apparently winging it’s way across the Atlantic to me. I am most excited. I still adore Pretty little dead girl, I think it’s an absolutely stunning live album (and bear in mind here, I’m not a filk-regular; I’ve never seen Seanan perform live (so close, but I was sick and broke) and yet I love her album; I put this down to her being a talented singer / writer and choosing her musicians well :-) ). So yes, really quite excited about the next album arriving.

What would be super-nice is if my nipod would reappear. I’ve no idea where it’s gone. Then all I’d need is Kathryn to be back, the bathroom to be finished (although for the first time in a while I really felt like I’d made some (significant) progress today and we really are creeping ever forward), someone to mail me the road waffles book, the new Scott Pilgrim to come out, the Viva to get an MOT, and if someone could pop the two allen bolts in the ‘zed, that’d be a great help…am I asking too much?

I am, incidentally, really tired.

I delayed leaving work today to do a burns dressing; having spent much of the day waiting for ‘stuff I could do’; at the end of the shift we went from having no jobs needing doing to 7 people who needed to be sorted. So I did the one I could do, discharging that patient and making myself feel somewhat better about leaving… even if I did end up leaving somewhat late.


So that was my day :-)

I have faint feelings that I was going to write more, but I’m too tired and the world is making little sense.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.