Grrrrout! And other things.

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It’s done.

Now there’s just the silicone to do around the edges, and the corners, and the shelf. And there’s a couple of spots on the grey grout that need touching up.

Oh, and then once the floor is fully cleaned, I need to pour natural stone sealant on it… which will also seal the tiles.

So that’s done.

Then I had endless terror pouring black gunk over the floor – this is the anti-fracture goop which I smeared around the bits of the floor I could reach. Our final finish goes on top of this, and we’re hoping this will allow for any cracking of the self-levelling compound (which has definitely got some hairline cracks in it). It’s meant to allow cracks of about 1/8″ (3mm!).


Once this lot is dry we’ll move the kitchen units up into the lounge, then I can paint this gunk on the dining room and laundry floor – and we can get the bedroom floor laid… then kitchen into the bedroom so we can get our final floor laid, then put the kitchen in and move in.

This is, of course, dependent on the floor coming soon.

Which would be nice.

I also spent some time digging the soak away for the garage… I’ve got a few feet at one end, and a couple at the other to do. Hopefully the rain won’t wash all the dirt back into the hole.

In other news, I talked to Tuff Shed again today. The woman I spoke to said all she can do is keep asking the area manager to call me. Because I complained to the customer service team, she thinks it’s been escalated to the regional manager, but she has no way to contact the regional manager, apparently. All she can do is keep pestering the local area manager to call us, which he so far has never done. Feh.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.