Creeping ever onwards

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I’ve not posted for a little while because progress has been painfully slow. Despite reassurances from our conveyancer, the contracts haven’t been exchanged, although she believes that they’ll be exchanged on Monday*.

Today we did the sad thing, we sold our iMiEV. Well, technically we sold it a few days ago, but the very lovely (and excited) chap came to pick it up today. He’s taking it on a massive trek (well, for a little EV it’s a massive trek – across to Wales, then back to his home…), which is funny, given that it was the first thing we did too.

We’ve also been packing, the front office is nearly completely packed, and after lunch I’m going to head down to the garage to do more packing down there…

…and we’re selling things off, and giving away, and recycling, and so on. And arranging meetings with friends who we’ll not get to see again for a long time.

Mostly it’s switched from excitement to a mixture of terror and the complex practicalities of scheduling, or disposing of things. Our lovely cabinet in the lounge, that needs to go. Our espresso machine? Not suitable for 110 volts… got to be sold. Piles of gunks in the garage – oils, greases, polishes? All got to go.

It’s like one big discount superstore here at the moment.

And it’s hard, because this is stuff we like, or care about, and have collected over our lives together. But it’s all got to go if we’re going to cram both the car, and our stuff, into a 20′ container.

Oh, in other news, Rebecca is done. MOT’d, graced with new brakes, gearbox, back axle and exhaust. She’s roadworthy and running. So I’ll be bringing her home on Monday… Which leaves the Prius to be sold once it’s been cleaned and polished and photographed… Oh, and ideally after the many trips that we’ve got to do to see people, because whilst I adore my Minor, she’s not the most efficient beastie in the world.

In other news, I’ve applied for 2 jobs, and screwed the application for a third (it submitted it when I logged out, despite it not being finished, although I’d still like to get an interview*). I’ve got a third that is in progress, and a fourth that I’m poking at.

But today? Today is going through stuff in the garage. Woo.

* I am not holding my breath.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.