So, I just spent ages finding an appropriate resistor to tweak the voltage output of a John’s Special Power Supply to 5 volts. Theoretically, if the two resistors you change in it are the same value it should produce a nice, healthy, 5 volts. It produced ~4.9 (4.92-4.96 ish, according to my meter). Having tried the two squeezeboxen in the kitchen with the power supply both of them failed. Putting them in the lounge with the other 5 V supply I made last time (which produces 4.97-4.99 volts) they both seemed happy. Joyous even.
Now I knew* my shiny floodwiring worked, because I’ve used it to transfer data. I’ve transferred data to-and-from my media server using the craptastic android tablet and the problems it had were the same whether it was plugged directly in to the router or into the floodwired point.
So, given that knowledge I just spent a little while routing around in my resistor collection and managed to wind the new supply up to 5.06 volts. I reckoned that was close enough for jazz, so brought it down and tried it.
Unfortunately, what this proved is that the problem lies elsewhere. I don’t entirely know if it’s the floodwiring, or the last meter between the box and the craptastic switch, or what is causing the grief, but the poor squeezebox can’t connect. In a good moment it finds the squeezebox server, but then fails. In a bad, it just wails that it can’t find it at all.
It also takes an inordinately long time to obtain an IP address. Trying ‘em in the lounge reveals no problems at all. I think I’m going to have to spend some time prodding it, but I have absolutely no network diagnostic kit.
* For, apparently, quite limited values of ‘knew’