Some days, no matter how much I achieve I’m not satisfied with myself. Which is quite frustrating as I quietly nibble away at my self confidence despite having done everything I could have achieved.
I’d wanted to do some gardening but it’s been hacking with rain pretty much all day; so I don’t think that’s really a sensible plan.
Instead I’ve moved the new gearbox (for the minor) into the garage from the front garden (where it was delivered); I’ve put a coat of paint on a section of the trim that was on its third coat (so it’s now had four and looks lovely) and filled, sanded and painted with a first coat the last upstairs doorframe. Oh, and filled a section of skirting that got damaged way back when they lifted the carpets and sanded the floors.
I stripped down and reassembled the (third) Slim Devices squeezebox*, made up a new power supply for it*** and configured it.
And still I’m not feeling like I’ve achieved anything with my day off. Although I suspect it boils down to having listened to BBC news all day and having had the ‘UKIP HAVE WON THE WORLD’ version of the UK elections, which is just depressing, even if it’s not exactly true.
* I may have bought another one**
** Which turned out just to need a new power supply and a case that’s less glue-like
*** Which needs tweaking because it only produces 4.9 volts which, it seems, is insufficient for the poor thing.