Day: April 17, 2014
Comments Off on Reblog this if you remember The Great Strikethrough of 2007
Reblog this if you remember The Great Strikethrough of 2007
Reblog this if you remember The Great Strikethrough of 2007 songscloset: jazzypom: tsukinofaerii: wasoncedelight: silentstephi: raptorix: roguepythia: furious-baratheon: copperbadge: tehnakki: copperbadge: persisting: we’re old, guys.…
Comments Off on One of those days
One of those days
Not, oddly, one of those days where you wonder about whether your continued existence on the planet will ever produce anything tangible and worthwhile, or…
Comments Off on Oh, ah, that’s not gigabit.
Oh, ah, that’s not gigabit.
So I bought a new switch for the server room* to replace my known-to-be flaky 10/100 hub** and to add a port for the soon…