So, this is mainly directed at the Americans who read… I have a question for y’all. So for *reasons* we have had the experience of meeting and getting advice from a private healthcare specialist. Now, I’ve had one prior experience with private healthcare, but I knew what I wanted, what I was going to ask for, and frankly, what I’d get. All I needed was the price.
This time there are lots of options, lots of possibilities, and the price is truly mind-blowing. But whilst we sat in the very nice consultation room with views across the city rooftops, having passed through the plate glass doors, and in a Victorian building which still smelled of fresh paint, and didn’t feel quite so much like someone had just hurled walls up where they might fit…. Whilst we sat in the much nicer than any NHS chairs and faced the doctor using the computer on the not-basic-formica desk, and she politely discussed options, and suggested what is not the most expensive, but way more than the cheapest, and quoted stats at us…
…I came away from it and still have no idea whether I believe a word of the stats or not. I don’t normally step away from NHS appointments and feel the need to google the stats, because for the most part, I don’t imagine that the doctor/nurse/medical professional has any interest in upselling me. I trust them to be moderately impartial. Not always perfectly informed, not always knowing the most up to date stuff, but I trust them to impart in good faith information more-or-less-without bias.
Knowing that this doctor is invested in having the company make more money makes me much more suspicious.
How do you ever fully trust them?
How do you trust health professionals who make a profit off you?