Getting older…

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As I travelled back from Gloucester yesterday, Rebecca’s odometer clicked over to 44,000 miles*. On these bigger transitions the worn mechanism that advances the numbers struggles to move the five (or six) cylinders required. The ‘tenths’ figure will sit between 9 and 0, clicking with every tenth of a mile unable to move as the higher values furiously resisting advancing milage.

And then it happens, there’s a click, the speedo flicks wildly from 70 to 90 and back, and we settle in to the next 1,000 miles…

Sometimes I think she just doesn’t like getting older.

* It has no relation to her actual milage.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.