And she writes

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A joke that only makes sense in my head.

Anyhow, today the package came from Cathedral Pens containing (I hoped) the bits I would need to fix the Platignum fountain pen. Having cleaned it and straightened its nib, all that was left was to change the ink sac, a remarkably simple affair.

But before we get to that, I have to point out some ace customer service. Because Cathedral Pens actually looked at my blog post, then mailed me a complimentary ink sac in a different size, because they suspected I’d mismeasured. I had. I should have gone and got the micrometer from the garage, but I didn’t. I did it with a traditional measuring stick*, and it wasn’t accurate enough.

Not only that, as inspiration, they very kindly added in a free Parker 45 (the VW Beetle of fountain pens, apparently. Hardy and nearly indestructable).

Unfortunately we were both not quite right, their guess from the photo was closer, but marginally too large. My measurement was marginally too small. However, given that this is my first attempt and something that I may work at in future, I looked at my minisac** and decided to try it on for size***. It was a little tight, but it did just fit over the end****. So I trimmed it to length, applied slipped it only just on, applied a thin bead of shellac *****, and snuck the sac down onto the section and left the shellac to harden. I then needed to source some unscented talc… a trip to the chemists yeilded that (Simple Talc, £1, bargain :) ).

The pen slipped together and…


And for comparison, here’s the 45 at work:


I fear the minimal size of the ink sac on my rebuild, but until I give it a bit of a workout I won’t know if it’s any good :)

Anyhow, so that’s my excitement :)

* Or ‘ruler’ as some would call them.
** That sounds wrong…somehow.
*** It’s getting worse.
**** I’m sorry, but I have been actually awake for 28 hours, 12 of them spent at work….
***** Again, thanks to Cathedral Pens for the application tip, it was perfect :)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.