Why I’ll never be nice to a trader again.

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Sorry, but that’s it. I’ve had it.

I tried to be nice and that got me shot today.

Today, for the unaware was my moment in court, the hearing in which I defended myself against [redacted], who claimed (and won) that it was okay for them to work on my car on the assumption that I’d granted permission, and that it was okay to make decisions about how to spend my money without getting my approval because they couldn’t get in contact with me.

The court chose to believe that they had tried to ring me (despite describing an answerphone I didn’t have), despite e-mailing an address that’s not mine (and doesn’t exist) when he had the correct address, and not to take any notice of the fact that in my opinion I didn’t approve the work (he has no evidence that I did), and that I did all the running for contacting him prior to the loss of communication…

But what got me shot? Well, when we reestablished contact I tried to find a route that got him paid (despite the fact that I wasn’t happy with where things were standing) and tried to get me the car back working. A route he himself suggested – which is when it became apparent he’d never even looked at the motor on the flooded vehicle – and when I decided to put a stop to ideas of him continuing his unauthorised restoration. That, apparently, is the open door which means that despite the fact he commenced work without examining the entire vehicle and never got authorisation from me for his approach to the repairs (it’s actually something he acknowledged in his e-mail and that the judge mentioned) – I get to pay for his work.

But – for those of you considering using [redacted] bear in mind he informed the court that he cannot test a motor outside the vehicle without complete control circuits. While it may be true that he can’t, other people are quite capable of doing so. Unfortunately, the court does not know about EVs.

Obviously this is just my experience (although every single person I’ve spoken to about [git] said “uh, he’s a git”. Not one nice word have I heard). And this is the ranting of a bitter loser who’s got to spend over £1000 to get a controller that is not worth anything (no guarantee, not even of basic functionality).

So from now on, everything in writing. Even delivering a vehicle for a quote? That’ll be in writing. Want me to do anything? In writing, thanks. And if I’m unhappy, that’s the end of the relationship, in writing. No more nice Kate.

For those of you interested in the details, I have to pay for the controller, and the interest since the invoice was issued, plus court fees. Which all in is about a grand.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.