Now that’s over and done with, a better day

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You know how sometimes you just need it out of your system? Well, that’s it. Out of my system. I’ve learned from the experience, I shall take that forward, and I shall send Mr [git] a cheque, retrieve my car, and the world will continue to spin.

On the plus side it’s been my Birthday today, and while the beginning of the day was stress and the middle sucked, the evening has been pleasant. I’ve chatted to friends, I’ve listened to my new CD (Plastiscines, LP1 – it’s in FRENCH! How cool?); I got my Wintermitts CDs (I thought I’d only ordered/paid for one, but they sent two? They rock. And some of their stuff is in French TOO!). yesterday to listen to. And today I got *PRESENTS*!

Birthdays rock; Kathryn, her mom and my mum have all been incredibly generous. I got some awesome ‘merkian Coffee (Dancing Goats Blend, a coffee that’s fast become my favourite) and have just been spending tokens on Amazon (which reminds me I need to update my Things I want page, because several things are no longer ‘things I want’, but instead ‘things I’ve got’). Kathryn bought me (something which I don’t know about yet and) a fabulous RED wall clock, in 50s stylee, which I was fawning over in a shop in Bath. It’s part of my ‘red kitchen’ desire. I have no idea why, but I saw a Red Kitchen once and I just want one. Really a lot.

We need to pop it up on the wall though.

I also got some new frocks, which are made of some delicious fabric, and I’ll be off to try them on soon (yes, folks, it’s true. I really am a girl).

But best of all, I got to be with Kathryn who is an awesome, fantastic, beautiful, wonderful person.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.