So I decided this morning, given that I had a couple of hours to kill before my appointment at the bank (debt reduction continued) – that I’d ‘pop’ to B&Q, get a tap for the garden, and fit it.
So I went to b&q and I got the tap. Without a car the proper plumbing place is too far away. I contemplated hoses, but thought, nah; just get the tap and a new T piece to replace the 90 degree bend the builders put under the sink.
I got back. I pulled the plumbing stuff out of the shed; there in the bag were yorkshire connectors, a thingie of flux (or two), and some wire wool, and in the process I also pulled out my blowtorch. Score.
Then I went back to the shed and got the pipe cutter.
Then I went back to the shed and got the PTFE tape.
I poked in my toolbox and remembered that I don’t have a 16mm drill bit long enough to go through the wall. Rats, I thought. Collected my stuff and went back to B&Q.
Geeeeeze they’re expensive. If it weren’t for the punative charges most plumbers charge just to turn up and debate the merits of your plumbing it wouldn’t have been worth buying. Frankly, it wasn’t really worth buying, but it cost less than getting a plumber in.
Then I drilled a hole in the wall and realised it was time for me to go to the bank.
Walk to the bank and back in the hot, hot sun.
Pay off loan.
Get back, ring I&A and find out the car won’t be ready. Make whimpering noises. Realise I’m going to have to book a rental car again. *sigh*.
Eat lunch.
Cut some pipe and realise, somewhat belatedly, that there are, in fact, no 90 degree bends in my collection of yorkshire joints. Expanders to go to 22(?)mm, yup. T pieces, two bags of. Straight joints, millions of the buggers. Right angle joints? Not a one.
Curse. Walk back to the store. Buy 90 degree bends.
Come back, get half way through fitting things, realise I’m very low on PTFE tape. There’s definately enough to do the inside bits though. Note that the builder’s compression joints are done up much tighter than mine ever are. Put it all together, find it leaks like a sieve. Because… the builder’s crushed the pipes where the olives* fit for the compression joints. Curse.
Go and buy more PTFE tape and some more olives.
Stare longingly at air conditioners**, debate evaporative coolers, go to Agroes and get some very cheap crappy hose-pipe set, because frankly, I want to water the garden and wash the car, and that’s about your lot.
Cut out all the builder’s pipe work. Replace with new, nice shiny Kate pluming. Mutter to myself that I really should have gone to find the level before attaching the pipe to the tap, because it’s miles off level.
Check it’s all working.
Load up the bread maker with stuff to make bread.
Collapse on the sofa drinking ‘Breakfast Redbush’ – which I’m not convinced is deeply different to normal red-bush, but is nice. Take shower. Sit in front of fan feeling hot.
Contemplate whether I’ll have time to ring the Student Loan company to find out how to pay off my loan…
* These are a soft ring of metal that gets squashed such that you get a seal.
** Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a nice environmentally responsible way to have Aircon?