Renovating a house, working full time, running 3 classics and a motorbike, that clearly is not enough for me. Why? Because despite being off sick*, with help from Kathryn and her mom I finally e-submitted my application for the MSc Critical Care Course I want to do.
This is scary for a number of reasons. One, it’s not run by a rinky-dink ex-poly with ambitions to grandeur. Two, it’s a course with doctors on it. Anesthetists. ITU doctors. People with clue. Three, it’s a bucketload of work. Four, it’s quite pricey. Five, it’s just f*cking scary, okay?
Anyhow, being on nights and off sick has allowed me to do two things:
Watch Torchwood (definately gets better as it goes along. No one spoil anything for me; I haven’t seen season 3 or half of season 2 yet).
Watch Caprica (excellent, can I please have the rest of the season now?)
Also, I discovered that someone at work is a Sci-Fi geek. I had had a brief conversation with her before in which it had become apparent that she liked ‘some’ sci-fi, but now I know it’s not just Firefly and a bit of Trek she likes. It’s lots of Sci-Fi… Yay!
Anyhow, I’m now going to neck more night-nurse in the hopes that I can sleep, and that I’ll be able to breathe for a bit, which would, to be quite honest, be rather nice.
Oh, and for obvious (not wanting our house to be emptied) reasons I won’t say when we’re away, but we’re going away for a bit in a while. France… and then generically abroad in Europe. Pray for the DAF.
* The big problem with swine flu is not the actual flu. It’s the 89,000 people who are scared thanks to the media and panic and ignore the government’s advice (or who have GPs who are idiots**) and thus turn up at A&E requiring triage. This is a process which, at least initially, is conducted without a mask. And therefore I now have a cold. In the middle of summer.
** Like the one who sent us a suspected swine-flu case***
*** Mind that individual was stupider, having developed possible swine flu abroad, their immediate course of action was to jump on a plane home. I’m assuming the person did not charter a private jet.