Kathryn can stay! We finally got the Visas back yesterday; well, visa. Kathryn’s now allowed to stay here until we leave, unless that takes more than 2 years. I was incredibly relieved, since we’re going on holiday in the not too distant future and need passports for that.
So that’s good.
Also good, I had my eyetest today; in 5 years my eyes have hardly changed. In fact, one eye is exactly the same and one is so very slightly different they recommended no change in prescription. I also have no signs of macular degeneration – which is good – my mum’s got very serious degeneration and I’m slightly worried about my eyesight (long term) but they checked it today my field of vision is hunky dory.
I will just have to take care of my eyes.
I was sat reading the contact lens sign and really want to go back to wearing lenses; but can’t at the mo. If this allergy clinic does the Sublingual allergy treatment, that might mean I could, which would be awesome beans.
I was also good today for numerous reasons:
– I actually walked to town and back, rather than driving, despite it being cold.
– I sorted out my debts a bit. A very nice woman at the bank explained that there is a way to avoid early repayment charges on a loan, so my debt is now a loan. I must not take the credit cards with me anywhere.
– I didn’t buy the Nikon D70s I saw. I’m even not buying it now, despite knowing it’s quite a good price.
– On a smaller scale, I didn’t buy lunch. I bought a drink (‘cos I was thirsty after leaving uh…an hour earlier than I needed to (yes, I’m stupid sometimes)).
– I went and dropped off my prescription at the doctor’s – so I should be able to get my new nose-spray on Monday.
I’ve also been good:
– Yesterday I fixed the car’s exhaust. Well. Improved. Fixed might be an overstatement. It’s now only fouling the suspension at extremes of travel. Having beaten crap out of the bit that you can’t replace for about an hour I managed to move the 45 degree joint by about an inch and a half – a good chunk of the two inches I needed. I think it’s leaking less now. Not quite sure how to get it that last half inch tho’.
– I got the iPaq working on the Mac. Well, technically it’s working through Windows 2000 on VMWare on the MacBook. The GPS bit should work, and so before we go to Ireland I need to fork out for a new CF card for it – a much bigger one – then I can have Europe maps…and an MP3 player in the car again. That would rock my little world.
Also good:
Royksopp’s new video. Many people seem to have missed this, and it’s excellent.