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So I’ve sat here all morning, more or less, though to be fair I didn’t get home until after midnight. Interestingly the Late Late wasn’t quite as bad as I’d imagined, although it was more thanks to being a ‘floater’ (charming term ;) ), which means that basically you go where you’re needed. So while it was manically busy, none of it was my responsibility, and I just pottered about doing jobs in majors, minors, and a bit in resus. Popped some stitches in, did a plaster. It was actually quite fun.

Sometimes it can be lousy not being in a specific ‘team’ (Minors/Majors/Resus), but yesterday I was in a cheerfully good mood, and didn’t really mind.

I checked on my nights roster too; I’ve been moved from my night group and was hoping to get back into it; but they’ve redrafted it since and now I’m the most ‘skilled’ person in my night group. In-so-far as I stitch ‘most everything, I plaster some stuff, and I ‘triage’. I’ve also noticed people keep asking me questions.

People keep leaving and lots of new people have arrived since I joined, so there are times when you’re the one who’s been there longest, and that’s a freaky-deaky. I don’t feel like I know enough to answer these questions.

Sometimes I do.

But most of the time I still feel like a kid who’s been put in charge of all this stuff.

It’s scary!


So this morning I’ve been slack. Not getting up ’til 9, not doing anything much since I’ve got up, other than eating breakfast. I’ll have another little dink at the office, I suspect; try and see if I can find the sofa-bed under all the stuff; hang my bike gear up; that kind of thing.

I’m waiting for the bits to arrive for Vixy and Jejy. It’s like waiting for a taxi. I don’t want to get deeply involved in anything because as soon as those bits arrive I want to be out of the door and working on the cars. On the other hand, I doubt that they’ll be here that quickly. I hope they will, but it seems unlikely.

Anyway. Movement is the order of the day I feel. Comfy though the sofa is.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.