Well, I did some tidying, when I’ve finished my tea I’ll throw a second coat on the wall around the window in the kitchen. Looking at coat 1 I’d say two more and we should be there. It should look smooth enough to paint with real paint :-/
So, via primitivepeople comes Caffenol film developing, a concept which is terribly interesting. We have no dark-room here, though, which makes it more difficult. We don’t even have, as my parents had, a cupboard under the stairs in which you could fairly easily block out nearly all the light (and thereby load and unload film). However, the awesomeness of it, as a concept, entertains me and it’s something I definately want to try.
Uncool is how I’d describe this police campaign. I’m totally with Boingboing on this, it undermines society, it makes people unnecessecarily scared and is a snooper’s charter. Jeeze, if this had been around when I was a kid my parents house would have been raided weekly. My dad’s stock of interesting electrical components and the vast number of chemicals from a youth and adulthood of scientific interest would have caused our neighbours no-end of fear.
What we need instead is a run of this poster (yeah, you know which one) and we need to slather the UK in it. We need to stop these creeps. These people who want you to be scared. They are dragging us all into their police state. When I was young the IRA periodically blew up bits of the UK, there were regular bomb scares, and y’know what, we didn’t go peering into our neighbours bins*, and cow-towing to each and every request to dispose of the privacy we had. The world went along as it always had and we dealt. But now, now the government instead wants us to fear, because then we’ll hand them control over every last bit of our lives…
…How much d’y’think it’d cost to run off enough Keep Calm and Carry On’s to cover the UK’s major cities?
*Unless there was something interesting I wanted, like, say a BBC Micro…