So, tonight I’m on what I laughingly call a novelty shift. Novelty shifts were invented by our department to cover times when we’re exceptionally busy. Mostly they cover evenings and nights. There used to be one novelty shift to cover the fact our long days weren’t quite as long as doing an early and a late (a so called ‘long-long day’). Now there’s about 200.
I have little idea when they start or finish. But today’s novelty one is a faux nightshift. It starts in the afternoon and runs on, depressingly, into the night… when you feel like you should be going home you’ve actually got another 4 hours.
I’ve so-far managed to avoid them, but today, no. Today I leave home an hour before Kathryn gets here, and get home after she’s gone to bed.
This, as far as I’m concerned, is less than ideal. Especially since after a conversation at the weekend with Paramito it looks possible that the houseprices we’re seeing are far-enough inflated that we may not be able to sell the house; in-so-far-as I can’t afford to actually loose money. Whilst selling it and moving somewhere that needs a bit of decorating (but nothing so extreme as here) seems feasible if we can at least recoup sale+cost of purchase price, if we can’t recoup that…
…. :(
My mum reminded us to be positive, and that looking at [Slough and being stuck staying in Slough] in such a negative way would not make us feel more positive. But it’s hard to feel positive.
I’ll be doubly frustrated if we’re stuck here because I didn’t apply to do the Critical Care course at work on the basis that we wouldn’t be stuck here, and if we are, then I really should have done it :(
Ach. Well, anyway. No point in looking back.