Okay, so shoot me. I’m taking my morning more or less, no actually I’m taking a chunk of my morning off. I may go and prod at the paint in the bathroom, I may not, I may turn on the water to the cistern, I may not. We shall see.
I actually got up hugely early, but the thing is – the thing is I’ve got to drive to my mum’s to collect the wings for my mog, and the drive to the midlands to drop off Rebecca before waiting until 1800 for my train back. I’m hoping to have a big wait between heading up there and the train on the way back, but I can’t promise that’ll be the case. I was hoping she’d run better once she’d got some fresh petrol in her, but actually despite starting and running, she’s still rough as sin.
So, anyhow, I’ve spent my morning doing stuff all. I’ve downloaded some nipod management tools, I’ve downloaded something which claims it can remove all my dupilicate mp3 files (ha, I’ve tried this before… but hey, it’s worth a shot). I’m still converting several gigs of Kathryn’s AAC (into mp3) files for placement on the nipod, although the application I’ve got in my sweaty little paws says it can do that on the fly while copying and integrating sorta with iTunes. Which is cool beans.
‘ve spent some time trying to find a prezzie for one of my friends; frustratingly I dreamt the perfect present for this friend last night; sadly however it doesn’t *actually* exist. I had my doubts, and searching the net has confirmed them, distressingly.
But you have to look, don’t you?
Yesterday I stripped an awful lot of paint from the radiator. It’s about 2/3rds done. I’m thinking I might mark out the channels to cut in the kitchen and then tomorrow I could do that, to give me a break from paint stripping. Ha, we could knock up a faux kitchen in a day, don’t’cha think? Maybe? Heh. Anyhow, I should go shower, really.