So, Kathryn came down 2 days ago; and we spent some time working on the bathroom. It’s cool; because thanks to the amount of progress we made I now have a faint hope that the bathroom will actually be finished by the time she moves in. Not actually working; but finished. Which is a step forward of awesome magnitude.
In the mean time there’s quite a few jobs that still need doing. While Kathryn did nearly all of the hard bit (the careful measuring and locating on the wall bit) of putting up the boxing at the ‘bath’ end of the bathroom, there’s a whole other (rather simpler, but still) wall which needs doing, and there’s then the tile-a-thon. I realised that I was being a dizzy mare and also need to put the sink brackets up before the tiles. While I’m not great at cutting tiles, doing it the other way round is liable to lead to cracked tiles.
The toilet has holes ready and waiting for the screws that’ll be holding it down now, thanks to a new very sharp drill bit. I’m really quite excited. It’s all heading towards the 4th, when Kathryn will be moving in. I’m trying to sort out my finances a bit before I do that; I went to the bank today for an account review (which is where they generally try and sell you stuff), the woman I talked to was very friendly, and then utterly appalled when she learned how much I’m paid. Perhaps I should print my pay per hour, and then put that up on a poster with ‘are nurses worth more than this?’. Heh.
Kathryn moving down is alternately very exciting and rather scary. I love her, that much is very simple, and I’m very excited that she’s moving in. But we’ve spent only 10 days together at our longest, and we’ve never yet had an argument. But, I hope (and believe) that anything that crops up we can work through; and I ended up rambling on about her at great length to the financial advisor person; poor soul; who commented on how happy I seemed to be. Which is true; I am ridiculously happy. And I hope to keep it that way.
Anyhow, plan for today is continue the wood-working fest; maybe collect the bath foot, if they’ve actually got around to recasting it, and paint the walls. I do need to check that there’s nothing I need to ‘do’ for the plaster weekend (I’m learning to plaster limbs this weekend), at least, nothing beforehand. So, uh, that’s my day.