So, ‘m off to work in about 10 minutes; I’ve got to find the place that my training course is tomorrow before I go to work so hopefully 5 minutes’ll be long enough.
My random thought is that when I started this project (the house), I made a stupid promise to myself; that I’d not have more than 2 rooms in progress at any one point; because that way lies DIY madness. But of course, that’s only really true if you’re redecorating. You can’t apply that rule to a house; so I unbitched at myself. I’d been thinking, ‘gah’ because I’ve currently got the existing bathroom in bits, the new bathroom in bits, the spare bedroom-come-office in bits, the lounge is about 80% there (I’m going to have to redo the floor, but I now now a lot more about flooring!) and the bedroom (main one) is going to have start coming apart too, as is the floor in the kitchen…
The reason is fairly simple; if you’re redecorating you can kind of restrict damage to that room, and it’s fair enough to say ‘do no more than one room at once’; the only reason I’d accepted two was because some jobs need other people to come in and do them, so while they were getting on with X, I thought, I’d do Y.
But when you’re renovating a house, there’s systems that run to every room that have to be dealt with. In this case, the central heating and the electrics both need dealing with. I can’t connect up (and have fitted) the combi boiler until the day that the central heating is more or less finished. What I may do is cap off the bit that needs to run to the downstairs ones, so that I can just run the upstairs stuff for the moment. But even to do upstairs I have to have the floor up in the bedroom, in the bathroom (actually, that can go down soon). But anyway, I should stop whining to myself about the chaos in the house; it’s really not very avoidable.