So, I realised that even if the building work is progressing painfully slowly, which it may not be, but *if* it is, then there is one area I can work on, which is the garden; the garden can be done regardless of other…things. So; with that in mind I’ve been planning, thinking, and hurling bricks around with wild abandon. Well, maybe not wild abandon, but some vigour.
I came up with this:
The Flickr thing has notes, but essentially the upper left grassy bit stays grassy and mehaps has a twirly rotory dry-ee thing on it. The lower bit is kind of ‘home of the plants’, and suchlike. Maybe with a rockery or something. I dunno, I’ll let my mum decide that :-)
The path is an as-cheap-as-I-can-make-it gravel affair with (probably) some plastic underneath to stop weed penetration.
And that brown bit? That’s meant to signify decking. Whilst decking may wander in and out of favour, and everyone and their chicken has decking these days, I’ve got a huge-bloody-lump-of-concrete which exists outside my house, and which cannot be moved. So I’m thinking covering it up with some decking would be a marvellous idea.