At a loss

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For the last 4 months, I’ve spent ‘most every evening talking to one particular person; and currently – and for the next 7 weeks – that person isn’t going to be online. Those who’ve endured my conversation over the past 4 months would probably be greatful for this break in my conversations, for a while I might not start every sentence “Kathryn…”*, but I find myself at a bit of a loss.

It’s odd, because I’m surrounded by books, and I’ve got stuff I want to read before I start my new job. I’ve actually had a really full day; and I ate the left over curry from last night (despite the delivery bloke’s over amorous nature**), cut the grass (front and back), prep’d my bike for it’s MOT, taken Kathryn to the airport (although I’d much rather have spent the day with her… or gone with her…).

But I just feel a bit listless and well, sad. So, uh, sympathy? ;-)

Anyway, I’ll stop whining now and we can resume normal programming. Well, when I say ‘stop whining’, I’ll switch to whining about the car, the bike, the house, builders, computers and the general state of the world… :-)

* There is the possibility that every sentence will start ‘I miss her’, which is probably not an improvement for them…

** Although I think I might be developing an allergy to Slough’s curry houses***. While I can’t tell if someone’s hitting on me, when the bloke delivering the curry gives you his phone number and *then* fracking rings you back to say “I’m just near tescos, I could get some drink and pop round” (no, I’m *really* not joking) then you start to worry about ordering food. I may have to start getting take-aways. All the time.

*** I am attempting to believe that the place Kathryn and I went for my birthday, they were just being friendly.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.