So I got my mp3 player, and let me say, interface wise apple have nothing to worry about. The knock off looks pretty darn good. It’s got four clicky buttons instead of the ipod turnywheelbuttonthingie, but the clickyness is pretty positive and it’s done quite neatly.
However, the interface is, well, somewhat painful. It’s not so much the layout of it, though that doesn’t wildly help. No, it’s more the fact it’s clunky. And it’s quite astonishingly crayon+child style design ugly. Thankfully the ugly is reduceable by the use of the alternative style, which is merely not beautiful.
Sound quality is fine though, at least through the supplied (white, ipod style) headphones, the display quality is surprisingly good – and it appears to play video, which it says it does – I’m tempted to see if I can squish down my music video so I can put that on there to show some people at work who were asking. Unfortunately, the built in supplied radio – not good; attrocious, perhaps, but not good. And it does buzz a bit when displaying menu items, with the radio on. Which is, uh, not really a huge problem, but faintly annoying.
I have singularly failed to actually move yet this morning, from the sofa. It wasn’t aided by the nipod’s failure to connect to the computer, after much fiddling James suggested that maybe it was just a shonky cable. Squishing the USB connector to make it tighter revealed an astonishing improvement.
I was faintly considering going into London to get my mom’s birthday present, but, uh, it’s already midday and I’ve not done the things I needed to do this morning. So, uh, that’s not going to happen, really. On the plus side I’ve found a new bookshop that I’d like to visit. On the minus side it’s possibly going to close. I had no idea GLBT bookshops were such an endagered species. I used to love browsing and buying at the Green Leaf book shop in Bristol, right across from where I used to work. On a long break I’d nip over, buy a book and head back for my coffee.
But if it’s still open I intend to head in when I get to London next week. Apparently, CC&K is also threatened with closure too, which is a bugger. I want some art from there, so I may have to see if I can get that next week. Of course, that does mean me working out what day I’ve got off? I fear…. bugger. Poor scheduling on my part. I shall have to head in after a late. Should just about be do-able. Assuming I can find somewhere to park.