It’s unpleasantly like being drunk

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I think we can say that I definately do have a mild mid-ear infection. My balance is not all it could be. Verticallity has been obtained and with care, I made it round tesco. I think plans for tomorrow may need to include ‘handling Kate with care’.

It’s snowed. Sadly it’s now raining, but I did briefly enjoy the 2″ of snow that we got. My little mog demonstrated that she, despite her ailing engine, can still quite cut it through snow. I knew that the bizzaroid not-quite Town and Country’s had a purpose, and actually, they were really good on the semi-frozen roads this morning. And whilst others slid about we pootled in the direction we desired (i.e. tesco). I now also have food. This is good.

I finally attempted mould reduction in the bathroom. To give you an idea how damp it is in there, it rains. It actually rains if you have a bath – there’s permanently a pool of drops on the ceiling and anything that tips it marginally over that balance makes it rain in there. Which is a bit, well, unpleasant. Especially because the ceiling’s got big gobs of black mould on it.

I’m sure they weren’t there when I arrived. But having checked the grout, the white on the walls around the window – it’s all heavily mouldy. I sprayed it with gallons of evil nasty chemicals, scrubbed it and washed it with mains-pressure water through the shower tap. It’s cleaner, but not ‘clean’. I really, really can’t wait to be ripping that bathroom out – terrifiying electrics, crap shower and all. I can’t wait for it to be gone.

I slept funny last night – probably because it was pretty nippy – and my neck now has a krick in it. I’ve smeared deep heat on it (with no impact whatsoever), so now I think it might be time for ibrufen gel :-)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.