I promised my GP I would spend my time off relaxing and healing. I’m unfortunately at that frustrating level of ill where – whilst I’m aware that I’m not well, and standing up for long periods definately leads to woozyness in the head department; I’m also terribly, terribly bored.
I’ve got plenty of books I could be reading, but there is an insistant desire to be *doing* something after days and days of lying around.
However, I’m being good, mostly though that’s ‘cos my head feels like it’s attached to my body by wobbly string. The new remote arrived – cheap and cheerful as it is, I wasn’t expecting it to be quite such a behemouth. Still, when I’ve got 4 charged batteries then hopefully I can get it all set up. I fear it’s battery usuage too. I’m quite looking forward to being able to watch all my DVDs though.
In other news, I’m debating another minor – if I’m offered it at a price I can afford. Rebecca’s engine really sounded attrocious yesterday, I’m not certain how long it’ll last – so a cheap second minor to run me round while I get Rebecca properly sorted would be handy. The one I’m considering though, has somewhat of a reputation, so, we’ll see. It’s not been a bringer of great luck.
In other news I finally worked out how to get coverflow up on the Windows machine’s iTunes. Okay, it’s obvious – but if you don’t *know* it’s there. What’m I meant to do, click on random buttons? *sighs*. I love macs, I love my mac, but sometimes *get a clue guys*. It’s not, incidentally in the help file anywhere.
Does anyone know (before I spend hours hunting) of any utilities that allow you to add more art for CDs it doesn’t recognise. I don’t expect it to know about AM / Underground or AM / This is me dancing. Or indeed quite a lot of my more eclectic music, but I’m sure I can dig out covers (or at worst, photograph the originals (yeah, yeah, I’ll get a scanner again one day)). I can’t see an *obvious* way to do this, and I’d rather not do each and every one manually. The original coverflow pulled covers from various sites, but the one embedded in iTunes can only use the iTunes store, which is a bit pants. That and the embedded one won’t go full screen. Come on Apple! Give me fullscreen album art lovin’!
What else? Hrm, dunno. I’m meeting someone on Friday – and as is normal for meeting someone new for the first time my body has responded – it’s produced a spot the size of frickin’ Mars on my bloody nose. Am I not old enough now to not get spots? Seriously.
I guess that’s enough of an update for y’all.
Oh, but before I disappear, falling into the ‘humour’ catagory, just like last year – severe weather warnings…

Oh my goodness no. Not 2 entire inches? Good lord. What will I do. I best break out the snow plough, the snow machines and start preparing to shovel my drive ;-)