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So, I should be relaxing, watching The L Word after having a really good, successful party at my place. Whilst the latter part is true, windows is being phenominally annoying.

Whilst my little Mac sits upstairs happily being very mac-y, and my 2000 based laptop works fairly well with the old wireless, my lounge PC sporadically connects to the network, randomly disconnects (whilst still stating ‘network strength Excellent’; and then complaining that it’s connected at 1Mb/s and then falling over). So, my relaxation has been somewhat destroyed by an evening of battling with windows, I did briefly think I’d had success and that the ‘bloody thing’ as I’m currently calling it was working. Then 20 minutes into the L Word it declared war on me and has since failed to reconnect to the network.

Ironically, the shiny apple upstairs does Windows filesharing  better than either of the windows machines – neither of which can see each other. No, the shiny shiny apple, it can see and connect to them both. The big problem I have is that fundamentally, the BT Homehub appears to be an astonishingly shonky piece of kit – something which has given me no end of grief, and so I’m not *really* able to deduce whether it’s the shonky, no-brand-USB Wireless Dongle, or the Shonky homehub, or the mildly broken windows install. I am, however, seriously considering reverting this boxen back to Win2k, because frankly, Win2k is vastly better than XP; XP was only on this boxen for the purpose of a bit of software I wanted which needed XP and now it’s my lounge PC It doesn’t need it.

Anyway, so the Party was good, a shockingly large number of people turned up, who managed to (sadly) split into the nursing and non-nursing groups; but everyone appeared to have a good time, people left about midnight (who weren’t staying) with the exception of Alexa who stayed until…errr….I get sleepy at this point.

About 3am I finally headed to bed, and fortunately last night was a mild one, because people kipped in the room of no heating (i.e. the Kitchen). I spent faaaaar too much on Partyfood; Hannah brought a whole bunch of party food, and in general there was more food than you could shake a proverbial stick at. If you even had a proverbial stick to shake. And I don’t. The food was good, the PC played much music and didn’t crash, the fire was much admired, as was my room design in general (which is, to be fair, as it should be). And y’know what? My house feels like a home.

My home.

Which is really nice.

Now, if only I could make this fracking network work properly.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.