Some things are scary

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So, I got some shiny new builders in to quote for the work. Rather more expensive than the last one, but they can do it this weekend… Which is incredibly handy… And they’re aware that I’ll be moving in on Sunday. So, yes.

The lounge comes in approximately 100 – 200 quid over budget, which is bad. But in this case I’m paying for convenience. I also picked up the radiator to go in the lounge today, just because it was on offer and thus the same price as screwfix direct. The radiators for the rest of the house have to wait, so I’ve also picked up an oil filled radiator (thanks James for the suggestion).

What is scary is how quickly the money is disappearing. Having lived in Rented places for the last 10 years, it’s somehow odd to think this place is mine. I don’t really *feel* like it. Nor, on the other hand, do I feel like I’ve been spending money like it’s tap water. I haven’t got a huge amount to show for it, at least it feels that way. I suppose in reality I have. And moving house *is* expensive. Still. If all goes well this weekend then the lounge will need the radiator fitting (up with the floorboards somewhere else…) and the new floor putting down, the walls painting and the skirting board painting and it will be *done*. Impressive n’est pas?

I am going to get out and carry on with the hall way in a few minutes. We’re down to sanding in there, and then painting. I bought the paint (hence the expensive trip to Wickes (builders merchant / DIY place). Not as scary as Travis Perkins. That’s a proper builders place. While I feel a bit out of place on my own in B&Q and Wickes, I feel downright like a neon sign is flashing above my head going “SHE IS A GIRL” “THERE’S A GIRL IN THE STORE” when I’m in TP. Otoh, shopping at TP, I feel like I must proper-know what I’m doing ;-)

Anyway, back to the grind. Well. Sand. I bought some ear defenders today, these go with the mask and goggles I’ve been sporting this morning. If this goes well then I could start painting the corridor today. That would be *awesome*…

And yeah, um, Wireless news – the Home Hub despite BT’s transient claim that it wouldn’t do WPA-PSK is now doing WPA-PSK, and after a torrent of abusive thoughts from me, and no changes in configuration now works this morning (unlike yesterday afternoon where it refused to connect using Wireless). So, yes, Ms House, meet technology :-)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.