So, despite spending 90 quid at World of Tesco last week, I still spent 60 this week – and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure what I bought. There was a replacement energy saver for the one that went ‘fzzzt’; and lots of other odds and ends, some more cleaner (kitchen cleaner this time, for the cooker), and some stocking up on frozens.
I also have a huge problem with World Of Tesco, it has lots of culturally diverse produce. Now, this is in many regards not a bad thing. In many ways it’s a postively good thing. Except… I love food. I love trying new food. I like re-sampling food I’ve already had that I liked. And y’know what? There’s so much shiny stuff there. So much. Oh god yes. So even when I’m not hungry intrigue takes over and I buy Plantain Crisps and Jamaican ginger beer. Bad Kate.
Still, we’re nearly at the stage where I just need fresh veg, so that’s fine. Cheese and veg. Must find a better cheese shop.
In other news, the corridor is probably a couple of hours from being paintable. Technically I could make it paintable today, but I’m not gonna. Uh-uh. Mostly because I am flat-out exhausted. All my body wants to do is sleep – and soon I’m gonna let it. Tomorrow I collect the van and I do tidying *to the extreme*. The day after, well, that’ll be the dayy-ay-ay that I dance. Work, then dance. Then the day after…. that’s moving day. Are we all clear on why Kate feels like hell on earth?
The builders will be around on Saturday and Sunday. They are knocking a fucking huge hole in the chimney, putting in a new lintel, then render; plaster and plaster the other walls…
You know, I forgot to add in the cost of the floor. The lounge may be 300 quid over budget; on the other hand, the hallway may be rather under, depending on the new carpet I select. So. It could all work out in the end.